Wednesday, June 07, 2006


One who holds on too much to possession will inevitably be hurt.

Such is the conclusion I have come up with regarding my current state of inanition. It is not easy to let go when you attach so much emotion and thought to it.. such is the foolish devotion that one can recognise but cannot withdraw. Too much of something may not be a good thing.. cliched but all so true

A surreal world is perhaps an escape or a refuge for the confused. Indulgence! One may accusingly point a finger at you and expect you to react.. No.. Fortitude and resilience guide me..

Oh mine.. the radio is playing some good music today, perhaps it heard my cry for some healing and a need for soothing? The wonders of music on a dejected soul cannot be understated.

Reading a sci-fi novel, something I have not done since.. I can't remember.. a while ago? I am unsure of the impact it could have on me. Fading nervous laughter..


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