Wednesday, February 06, 2008

B and I

It has been eons since B and I have gone out together. Work, schedule clashes, appointments and my perpetual absence have slowly eroded the close relationship we once shared. Living in different worlds did not help and instead, accelerated the rift and drift into emphasised polar extremities.

B possessed a tall and lean physique, while I, a diminutive and rotund presence. He wears his hair long, while I, sport the short cut. B prefers trends and fashion, while I, don the plain and dull. He wears his heart on the sleeve, while I, embed my thoughts in the deepest crevices. Such differences, such dissimilar but, yet, so interdependent.

Amidst B's grouchy and moody ramblings, the day turned out fine. Jokes came few and far in between and conversations were peppered with aphorisms. His taciturn nature was challenged by my garrulous character. B gave in and started answering my endless flow of questions. He was mistaken that terse statements would fob me off; they merely whetted my voracious appetite.

He claimed he was shanghaied into coming out and my guilt got the better of me. I halted and he smiled, a fleeting moment of relief and unexplained joy. Silence was his salvation but it was my nightmare. I grimaced...

A strange combination some may call but in a world of so many differences, Mother Nature has her own quiet way of reminding us our common link... An open order at lunch left the choice of my meal to B's discretion. Just as he walked off, a voice in my head yelled out, 'Claypot Rice!'...too late...or so I thought. Almost telepathically, he returned with two steaming bowls of claypot rice...

A simple action bearing such deep and implicit meaning.
Best claypot rice I ever had, even if the rice was burnt and the portion too small to fill up one's stomach. Mother Nature working her magic and building us a bridge over these troubled waters. Deja vu does not come close, not even a distant third.

And they say, blood is (still) thicker than water...


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