And so the story goes...
Hi everyone, happy 2007! It has certainly been a long time since I last blogged an entry but a break was long overdue so no apologies will be made.. On second thoughts, to placate a rising mob, a nervous yes to a few =PThese few weeks have really been action-packed (to borrow a hackneyed term from Hollywood) with upheavals and travelling. First up was a whirlwind road trip around Queensland visiting friends and reuniting with the beach. I will let the pictures do the work.
Needless to say, basking in the adulation of loved ones took a while to get used to but it sunk in pretty quick (this is a rather unabashed admission!).. Had a few lavish dinners and the picture below can be summed up with.. burp?
Well, its getting late here, and owing to the bouts of narcolepsy that seem to lurk silently in the background, I shall sign off hastily for now.. Hope you like the pictures and until next time.
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