Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Unwinding for the past few days has been a rejuvenating experience.. Ethereal?

A seaman once told me that navigating through a mirror sea during the first leg of an expedition meant a tumultuous sea on the return leg. Well, I suppose Nature has a way of tuning her own balancing act for each and everyone. Yet, I often wonder, if we can rid the burdens of expectations upon ourselves and others, surely it would be a happier world? Returning to my earlier allegory, would it not be for the best if the mirror sea remained as it is, flooding and ebbing but never ceasing?

But in seeking a life of placidness, we do give up certain privileges such as our will power and self improvement. While saying that, a saying from young instantly props into my mind. It goes, 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop'. Sure enough, a timely and stinging reprimand that maybe we do seek that little patch of rough waters to motivate ourselves to go an extra nautical mile. I quote William Shedd, 'A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for'.

Upon a second reading of this entry, seems a tad too much of the maritime balderdash?


At 6:02 pm, Blogger silver-starlight said...

yea.. i also think life is not complete w/o challenges


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