Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Mending Process

Picking up pieces from the fall out seems deceptively easy in theory but in truth, the mended cracks always seem so ready to show.. The last four weeks had been nothing short of a test in mental strength and resilience, and I would not be one to admit I passed that test with flying colours. But, as all things, life goes on, albeit painfully..

Being exposed to a new environment this year, or as the common saying goes 'being out of the comfort zone', has proved to be challenging experience. Standards which seemed to serve well in the past have suddenly become obsolete and replaced with heightened (note: very heightened) expectations. It may be early days yet but the future forebodes harrowing times. Ah, the woes of deracination. Bring it on, not?

Anyway, on a brighter side, I have chosen to enter a research programme which has just been introduced into the college. The exact details are yet to be hammered out but the brief outline would be work, work and more work. Not that I am complaining though..

Right, now that work has been mentioned, I should gently withdraw myself from the screen and return to my readings (re:workaholic galore!).. Ciao!


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