Saturday, August 25, 2007

Stumbling and Falling

Lately, the weather has taken a turn for the better with warmer afternoons and longer days. For the first time in nearly 3 months, I perspired profusely while playing afternoon soccer. Maybe this is a sign of the receding Winter? Or a deceptive Hades dangling the return of Persephone before Demeter? I await with bated breath, fingers crossed, my warm jumper still ever ready for deployment.

Indeed, stumbling and falling in this world where truth and deceit fraternise freely can be rough... Yet, perhaps its part and parcel of a roughshod life that gives it meaning?

Quietly, I withold my querulous voice lest I sound garrulous and gaudy. Afterall, I have had a long day...

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Hero in need is a Hero indeed

It is perhaps the lowest point yet this year; hitting absolute rock-bottom in a week with little cheer can be a devastating blow to even the self-assured.

It seems that I may be another step closer towards understanding the frustration and tiresome angst Atlas bore in his colossal task. Afterall, the world well and truly, does lie on his shoulders.

Contented to sit in this trough? Welcome to my world... and as I have said, a hero in need is a hero ineed.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Reading Sleeping Eating

Am currently reading Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens, a novel set in the Victorian ages. It is a long novel and the days I have to complete it are dwindling...vanishing so quickly I barely have time to myself anymore. Soccer fixtures remain a constant source of woe and the bodily ailments just keep recurring... Argh...must break free...

Friday, August 03, 2007


It has been a pretty interesting week. First, my trip to the vineyard has yearned me some much needed knowledge on wine. (Why much needed? Well, it appeals to my ambition of becoming an epicure / glutton =) ) Either way, while I do not profess to be a connoisseur of fine wines, I believe I now know enough to point out a few pointers. And now to practise it..hic...

The soccer fixtures of late has been getting frantic and is showing no signs of slowing down. To give an example, I will be playing full, 90 minutes of pulsating soccer on Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday again. That is 4 games in 7 days and it gets worse when I factor in the futsal game on Monday. Upon summation, that brings it to 5 games in 9 days. Ouch? Oh and adding to all that is training for an upcoming cross country. Double ouch? The heart remains willing but the flesh, alas, can only give so much before it crumbles...

Time is slipping by so rapidly that it does not gives one time to stop and reflect. Yet, some times, not reflecting can be a form of escapism that indulges one in a make-believe, mock-perfect place. This precious indulgence...remains...blissfully's...grasp...Is this for the better or for the worse?