Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Strange Night

A night of relevations and mysteries unveiled, a night of confessions and even painful discoveries. Such was yesterday night. Had to get up early but could not go to bed early due to the frequent late afternoon sleep-ins after the inconvenient hours of the WC games. In my daze and frustrations to get some sleep, I composed a poem entitled 'Perhaps She Never Knew'. A dilettantish effort at poetry after a long lay-off.

Perhaps She Never Knew

Perhaps She never knew,
That the quiet and unassuming boy,
So fond of her,
Could not quite find his courage to tell her.

Perhaps She never knew,
That on the long summer days spent together,
Time stood still for him,
Yet at that moment it all seemed the same to her.

Perhaps She never knew,
That his always obliging schedule,
Was because he worked the graveyard shifts,
For the sake of seeing her.

Perhaps She never knew,
That with every voyage he returns from the treacherous seas,
All he yearns to see,
Was the endearing smile upon her pristine lips.

Peharps She now knew,
That the boy who once pined for her affections,
Now laid heart-broken and in tatters,
A fragile piece of tapestry torn beyond recognition.

If only She knew.


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